Thursday, October 9, 2014

The 7 Day Detox Diet - Breakfast Recipes

Breakfast Recipes

A good healthy breakfast is just as important during detox as ever before or even more so. That’s why we’re going to start the first day of the diet with a fruit-laden meal that you can enjoy. Here are some great recipes that you can try for breakfast on day one.

Fresh Fruits in Cinnamon Yogurt


To prepare:
Wash the fruits and peel the ones that need to be peeled. For the bigger fruits, slice them so that they are all mostly even, bite-sized chunks. Place the fruits in a bowl.

Pour plain yogurt into the bowl with the fruits. Season the mixture with cinnamon.
Want your fruit bowl to be a little sweeter? Mash the bananas into the yogurt for some natural sweetening.

This is an excerpt from the book:  The 7 Day Detox Diet

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