Friday, October 31, 2014

Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook - 6 to 8 Months

6 to 8 Months

When  your baby is six to eight months old, he or she is going to show more of the same signs of readiness for solid food that were mentioned above but more evidently. They’ll not only show one or two signs but almost all of them and more often.

This means that you can feed your baby more solid food instead of just introducing it to the diet like when he or she is four to six months. But even at six to eight months, solid food should only be supplementary to breast milk. It is best to continue to breastfeed your baby up to two years old.

Some of the food that you can feed your baby at this age include pureed soft fruits, boiled and pureed vegetables, pureed tofu, small amounts of plain or unsweetened yogurt, and even pureed meat like chicken. What you shouldn’t feed your baby is cow’s milk (not until past their first birthday) or any food that’s high on the allergen rating.

When your baby is four to six months old, you are basically giving them a taste of solid food with maybe a mouthful or less at a time. When he or she is six to eight months old, you can start feeding them a teaspoon of pureed fruit or vegetables, gradually increasing to ¼ cup to ½ cup in two or three feedings.

Don’t forget to introduce new food one at a time with three days in between to make sure your baby is not allergic.

This is an excerpt from the book: Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook

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