Sunday, October 26, 2014

Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook - II. The Advantages of Cooking Your Own Baby Food

II. The Advantages of Cooking Your Own Baby Food

Baby food is a multi-million dollar industry at this point, with dozens of brands to choose from at the grocery store and flavors ranging from basic fruit purees to multi-ingredient combinations designed to appeal more to the parent than to the health of the child. And while we know that these packaged and processed food are no better than their adult counterparts, we can’t resist the convenience of simply buying over-the-counter. After all, having a baby and caring for him or her is a handful enough; adding baby food preparation to the mix just seems like too much additional work sometimes. But as it turns out, there are plenty of advantages to preparing your own baby food; a lot more than people realize.

You don’t need fancy equipment to make your own baby food; all you really need are fresh ingredients. You can use the blender or the food processor you already have. You can even use a basic steamer or a pot of boiling water and a fork and sieve. And it’s not as difficult or as time consuming as you think, especially with the right know-how and storage techniques. In fact, chances are you already have everything that you need to make healthy and wholesome food for your little one, which brings us to the first advantage of cooking your own baby food.

Preparing food for your baby at home is so much more affordable than buying them ready-made at the store. How much does one large sweet potato cost? A dollar? How about a carrot? Your baby doesn’t need a lot when it comes to food and even a single piece of vegetable can last for a while. Store them in properly sealed bottles and you can be set for a week, interchanging with other fruit and vegetable purees for every meal. Add up the dollars saved and you’ll find you’ve saved a lot of money and you’ve given your baby the healthier option to boot.

The second advantage is pretty evident, especially since we’ve been reiterating it since the beginning of the book – cooking your own baby food is the healthy choice. There are plenty of adults who are already shying away from processed and pre-packed food because of the amount of unknown ingredients and preservatives that are in them so why would you offer your baby any less? The point of the matter is when someone else prepares your food for you, you don’t know what goes into it and not knowing exactly what your child is eating is the last thing that any concerned parent wants.

Also, when you are planning and preparing your baby food, you also inevitably end up paying much more attention to your baby’s diet than you would have if you bought bottled food from the store. And it paves the way for making healthier meals, even as your baby gets older. When you get them started on good, farm-to-stove food from the beginning, you won’t find them craving for TV dinners or snack packs. Start them young and they will learn to appreciate and enjoy real food that’s both delicious and healthy.

Here’s another important point; a lot of parents turn to homemade baby food after learning that a lot of the bottled baby food you’ll find in the stores are cooked at extremely high temperatures. That’s to make sure that all the bacteria is dead but it also kills off most of the vitamins that you want from fruit and vegetable purees, along with active enzymes that have a lot to offer to your baby’s growth and development.
Your baby is at that age when growth and development is racing, going on full speed, and every step counts. You would be surprised at how much is decided in terms of physical and brain development happens long before your baby learns to crawl or walk. That’s why it’s so important to give his or her body the right kind of fuel to push against those boundaries and to grow as strong and healthy as he or she can be.

Don’t worry; you aren’t a terrible parent if you find yourself reaching for bottled baby food at the grocery store when you run out or for emergencies. It is by no means an all-or-nothing decision. But you’ll find that our recipes are very easy to follow and are designed to not be time consuming or inconvenient. In fact, you may find that you’ll start leaning towards just preparing those quick purees to save yourself the time and effort and a few dollars too. At first, you may find yourself mixing it up with store-bought food and homemade baby food, but the more you get used to preparing your baby food right at home, you’ll look for those bottled food less and less because preparing baby food from the same food that you and your family already eat and keep in the kitchen will become the easier, healthier, and more economic choice.

This is an excerpt from the book: Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook

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