Sunday, October 12, 2014

The 7 Day Detox Diet - Grilled Cod with Baked Marble Potatoes and Grilled Red Onions

Grilled Cod with Baked Marble Potatoes and Grilled Red Onions


To prepare:

Wash the potatoes thoroughly; you won’t be peeling them so this step is extra important. Peel, wash, and slice the red onions into rings. Wash the parsley and chop them finely. Run the fillet of cod under the water to get rid of any particles.

Heat up the grill and clean with a damp towel. If you don’t have a grill, you can easily pan fry the cod the same way you pan fried the salmon in the recipe above.

While the grill is heating up, place the marble potatoes in a baking pan or inside a foil envelope that you prepared. Drizzle enough olive oil to lightly coat the potatoes and toss in the chopped parsley before seasoning with salt and pepper. Place the pan or foil envelope inside the oven at 180°C for about 15 to 20 minutes. Use the fork test to make sure that it is cooked through and through.

Season the cod on both sides with salt and pepper and maybe a little sweet paprika then place on the grill. Let one side cook for a full minute or a minute and a half before flipping it and letting it cook for 1 minute on the other side. While the cod is cooking, baste it with a little olive oil every now and then to keep it from drying out.

While the cod is cooking, lay out the red onion rings on the grill. Let them cook until there are grill marks and flip.

Heap the marble potatoes and red onion rings on a plate and top with the grilled cod. If you don’t like onions, you can substitute with some grilled tomatoes which are always an excellent addition to any meal.

This is an excerpt from the book:  The 7 Day Detox Diet

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