Thursday, October 9, 2014

The 7 Day Detox Diet - V. Detox Day 1

  Detox Day 1

Day one is the big one and it’s also the most crucial one. You’re about to start a seven day detox diet plan that’s out of your comfort zone and can take a bit of dietary adjustment. This is usually the make or break day for detox plans where eight out of ten people find themselves going back to their usual routines around lunchtime.

In most other detox plans, day one calls for all vegetable juices or a combination of fruit juices and vegetable juices. Either way, it is an all liquid diet. Even if these juices have all the calories and the nutrients that you need to get you through the day, the adjustment from regular eating to only drinking liquids is too abrupt and can throw your digestive system into too much of a loop. 

That’s why the first part of our seven day program is all about transitioning you into the lighter meals and produce-filled days to come.

This is an excerpt from the book:  The 7 Day Detox Diet

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