Friday, October 24, 2014

The 7 Day Detox Diet - Grilled Prawns with Pan-fried Tofu and Steamed Vegetables

Grilled Prawns with Pan-fried Tofu and Steamed Vegetables

To prepare:

Wash, shell, and devein the prawns. Leave the head and tail on for presentation and added flavor. To devein the prawns, run a small knife along its back and remove the thin, small filament. Butterfly the prawns by slicing them down the middle along its back so that they are open down the middle like books.

Heat up the steamer. Place the vegetables in a foil envelope and season with a little salt and pepper. Put the envelope inside the steamer and let the vegetables cook until tender. You can test for tenderness with a fork.
Heat up the grill and clean with a damp towel. Season the prawns with olive oil, chopped dill, salt, and ground black pepper. Place the prawns on the grill front-side down first before turning them over. When the prawns are completely orange, they are cooked. Keep an eye on them; prawns, like most seafood items, cook quickly.

Cut up the tofu into centimetre-thick rectangles. Add a little salt and pepper to the all-purpose flour and place on a plate or baking pan. Dredge the tofu on the flour.

In a medium-sized sauce pan on high heat, pour a little of the olive oil. Pan-fry the tofu until golden brown. Place the cooked tofu on a paper towel lined plate to get rid of the excess oil.

Serve the prawns right on top of the tofu with the vegetables on the side.

This is an excerpt from the book:  The 7 Day Detox Diet

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