Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook - IV. Age-by-age Guide to Feeding Your Baby

IV. Age-by-age Guide to Feeding Your Baby

What’s the best food to feed your baby who is less than four months old? The easy answer is breast milk. In fact, it is best to continue to breastfeed your baby up to two years old. Breast milk provides plenty of health benefits to your baby that he or she can’t get anywhere else; not even formula. In fact, formula was never meant as a replacement for breast milk and only as an emergency alternative for when the mother isn’t around or isn’t producing as much milk as the baby needs.

It is through the breast milk that the baby gets his or her much needed share of protein, antibodies, carbohydrates and minerals.

During the early stages of development, your baby’s immune system is only beginning to develop and relies heavily on the components of breast milk for protection and health.

Some of the health benefits that breastfeeding can offer your baby include lower risk of asthma, childhood leukaemia, obesity, ear infections, diarrhoea, and type 2 diabetes. That’s why it is strongly suggested that you fully breastfeed your baby from day one up until he or she is four months old.

This is an excerpt from the book: Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook

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