Saturday, October 25, 2014

Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook

I.                   Introduction

One of the best ways to give your baby a good start in life is to give them a good, healthy, and wholesome diet free of pre-packaged and over-processed junk. The only reason a lot of parents are tempted to reach for bottled baby food in the grocery store is because of the convenience; but what if you had access to dozens of fast and easy baby recipes for each of his or her early developing stages? What if you could give your baby the advantages of all-natural and powerfully nutritional food that’s filled with all the right stuff, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and more?

Healthy and power-packed baby food plus easy preparation guides is exactly what this book has to offer. Knowing how crucial the early stages of growth and development are, we use natural ingredients in our recipes that are easy to access but give your baby an advantage in the health and nourishment department. Plus, it helps put your baby in the right path towards having a healthy eating habit and appreciating good food.

To make things easier for the everyday parent, we’ve categorized our recipes by age group, from six to eight months, eight to ten months and so forth with an information filled narrative to go with the recipes so that you know the ‘why’ behind the ingredient choices and recipes for each stage. We’ve also included a chapter on food safety and proper food storage that’s a breeze for any parent to understand and master.

With Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook, preparing your own food won’t be intimidating or difficult. You’ll find that it can be done fast and easy and with very little inconvenience on your part, so much that you won’t be reaching for that branded and bottled baby food at the grocery store ever again. And the best part is you will be giving your baby the best diet that any developing child needs and deserves for a happy and healthy beginning.

This is an excerpt from the book: Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook

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