Friday, October 3, 2014

The 7 Day Detox Diet - The Benefits of Detox

The Benefits of Detox

The body is a complex system and most of its organs are responsible for a hundred different functions in the system. The liver, for example, takes part in almost 500 different functions in the body which is the definition of multi-tasking. That’s why a detox diet also has multi-pronged benefits not limited to digestion or to the excretion of toxins.

Some of these benefits include:

1.      Higher energy levels
It might be strange to think that eating less (but eating better) can give you more energy throughout the day but that’s exactly what our seven day diet plan can give you even after the diet itself.

Even when you eat a lot of food and take in a lot of calories, it won’t do you much good if it can’t be converted into a form that the body can use. When the liver is too busy dealing with dangerous and poisonous chemicals, it can’t produce energy as efficiently. With a detox diet plan, the liver can go back to being in tip top shape and give you the energy that you need to get the job done.

2.      Enhanced sense of well-being
In the same way that exercise can make you feel positive, good health and good food can also put you in a better sense of overall well-being. You’ll feel better, you’ll feel stronger, and you’ll be in a better mood. You’ll be the opposite of lethargic. By giving your body the vitamins and minerals that it needs, you are also reducing the chance of any chemical imbalance and putting yourself in a better mental state.

3.      Mental clarity
A detox diet plan may mostly be concerned about the organs that get rid of the toxins but the brain also benefits from a boost of good health. You’ll find that you’ll be in a clearer and healthier state of mind to face day to day challenges while on the seven day diet plan. Most of the people who have already tried the diet also said that they slept better and felt better rested when they woke up the next morning.

4.      Clearer, healthier skin
A lot of toxins leave via the skin through the pores, mostly when we sweat. When the sweat dries up, most of these chemicals stay on the skin until they are washed away which may add fuel to skin problems like acne or rashes. With the detox diet plan, you can get started on having a lot less toxins in the bloodstream which frees the skin from dealing with excreted toxins.

5.      Stronger immune system
One of the worst things that toxins can do to your body is to put it at risk of illness and disease. When your immune system is busy dealing with toxins or dangerous chemicals, it might not be able to deal with other sickness-causing agents like viruses, bacteria, or a simple flu bug that’s been going around. When you have fewer toxins to deal with, your immune system can also go back to being a hundred percent.

6.      Weight loss
Most modern diets don’t exactly encourage a healthy weight and waistline. Processed food are too accessible, too affordable, and are practically everywhere that we probably all indulge a little too much on the packaged food group. When you make a change and start eating real healthy food, it’s only natural for your body to respond by being more efficient in terms of metabolism and storage so that you’ll probably end up losing those last few pounds that have been dogging you. 

This is an excerpt from the book:  The 7 Day Detox Diet

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