Thursday, October 2, 2014

How to Home School Your Child - Online Homeschooling

If you don’t want the headache of finding textbooks and planning curriculum, you may opt to go with an online home school. These schools are just like the online learning systems for adults returning to college. It is important that, just as with a college, you find a home school that is accredited so that their high school diploma will be valid.

Many states are beginning to offer their own online home school. Whether they are run by the state themselves, or by charter and private schools, these online schools are typically tuition free and funded by the state’s Department of Education. All states except Delaware, Massachusetts, and Maryland have online schools.

In most cases, these online schools are for high school students only, and are designed to ensure that homeschooled children have the opportunity to earn a real high school diploma. These programs are also designed to be supplemental to a complete home school curriculum, not the entire curriculum itself. However, it is often much easier to plan lessons when you have this basic guideline as assistance.

You can get the book on this link:

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