Friday, November 21, 2014

Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook - Chicken Flakes in Sweet Potato Mash

Chicken Flakes in Sweet Potato Mash


Sweet potato, peeled

Chicken breast

Chicken stock

Salt and pepper for seasoning


Once you’ve washed and peeled the sweet potato, cut it into thick slices, slather it with olive oil, season with salt and pepper and let it bake in the oven until completely tender at 180°C for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Alternatively, you can just drop it in a pot of boiling water until it is very tender.

Bring a pot of chicken stock to the point where it is steaming hot but there are no bubbles. Place the chicken breast in the hot stock and let it cook for fifteen to twenty minutes. This is called poaching while floating in liquid and it’s a gentle cooking method that leaves the chicken tender and juicy as opposed to tough and dried out.

Take out the chicken and let it cool a little while you take out the sweet potato from the oven. Mash the sweet potato with a fork. Also with two forks, flake the chicken so that there are no choking hazards. Mix the two together, making sure it is cool enough to the touch to feed your baby. 

You can throw in some chopped dill or chopped parsley if you want to begin introducing your little one to herbs.

This is an excerpt from the book: Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook

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