Sunday, July 27, 2014

How to Use Chopsticks - A Guide to Japanese Dining and Culture

Despite the high praise and talk of endlessly delicious food, there is a certain level of intimidation when it comes to dining at a Japanese restaurant. Even just using a pair of chopsticks can be pretty nerve-wracking for the uninitiated. But more than just being a pair of utensils to eat with, chopsticks have become iconic for Japanese cuisine and it has come to stand for the culture that dictates the unique Japanese dining experience. By mastering a pair of chopsticks, you are also exposing yourself to a world built by centuries of cooking and eating and enjoying meals with friends and family.

In How to Use Chopsticks, you will not only get detailed instructions in how to use a pair of chopsticks, you will also find out how to handle them properly in the Japanese way. You’ll not only know what to do when dining with Japanese company, you will also learn the reasons behind the dining protocol expected in Japanese restaurants. You will also find out more about different Japanese food, the restaurant culture, and the underlying soul of Japanese food that has captured the fascination and attention of food lovers everywhere. With this book, you can immerse yourself in the secrets and the attraction of good Japanese food and the immense culture that it has created.

This is an excerpt from the book:  How to Use Chopsticks 

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