Friday, July 18, 2014

The 9 Essential Ways of How to Lose Belly Fat Fast : Eat Right – What You Should Be Eating, What You Shouldn’t, and When

Eat Right – What You Should Be Eating, What You Shouldn’t, and When

What you eat and when you eat it is really the heart of the matter when it comes to losing – and gaining – belly fat. When we eat more calories than what we can burn in a day, our fat deposits tend to build up and we start gaining weight, especially around the stomach. The stomach area is usually the first to start getting bigger and the last to go, but that doesn’t mean that you should abandon grilled cheese sandwiches and beer and food that you love and start nibbling on raw carrots for all your meals to get a flat tummy. When it comes to eating towards a flatter belly, it’s all about when you eat and how often, and it’s also about understanding what your body needs.

There is no super food that will help you burn calories. Unfortunately, super foods are a myth. But if there’s one thing that you can take in that’ll help you lose weight and keep your body shapely and fit, it’s water. Have you ever found yourself hungry, so hungry that you can’t seem to fill that void in your stomach no matter what you eat? Chances are, your body was telling you to drink water but you mistook it for hunger. Your body needs at least nine glasses of water a day (for women, 13 glasses for men) but 8 out of 10 people miss that mark. Knowing that thirst sometimes disguises itself as hunger, you can now try having a glass of water or two to help you deal with those hunger pangs that you get even after you’ve eaten.

The key to having a healthy diet is never to eat too much in one sitting. Instead, you can eat appropriately sized meals plus a few snacks in between. A long term study by the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) showed that nibblers or people who snack in between meals are generally thinner than people who avoid snacking and instead eat large portions during meals. It also shifts the food consumption towards the earlier part of the day – light but regular eaters tend to eat less during the evening. Not only does it keep you from gorging during meals, it also keeps you from being uncomfortably hungry. Best of all, it means that you can eat a lot of different kinds of food, just in smaller amounts (and not the same kind of food every day).

Breakfast is still your most important meal and it’s the meal where you’re free to load up on carbs. A lot of people throw off their blood sugar levels by eating, well, practically nothing for breakfast. The first meal of the day is not the time to bring out your low fat yogurt. Instead, you can eat bread, English biscuits, rice, you name it. But don’t go too crazy; stop when you’re full. You’ll also want to keep yourself from overindulging with the simple sugars. Simple sugars calls to sugar. You’ll find that the more sugars you eat – like syrups and chocolate muffins – the more sugars you’ll crave. You’ll be hungry and craving in next to no time. Limit your intake of simple sugars and your cravings won’t be as undeniable. You can also substitute these high sugar food with wheat or whole grain food.

In-between meals snacks are good and are actually encouraged. But that doesn’t mean you should be eating a giant bag of chips right before lunch. Your snacks should be the light and fibrous kind, the ones that will make you feel full. A half sandwich on wheat bread will go a long way or a few slices of apples. You can spice things up by dipping fruit in honey or maybe munch on a handful of almonds.

Your meals should be lighter as the day passes, ending with a light dinner of maybe salmon and a salad. You can still have that glass of wine or that bottle of beer but don’t finish an entire wine bottle or a six pack – that excessive amount of alcohol and sugars will just throw your body into a loop. When you’re trying to lose belly fat, you should always practice moderation. You can have that occasional burger; just limit yourself to once a month or every two months. You can have that delicious pistachio ice cream, just have one scoop at a time and maybe have it only once every three weeks. Don’t turn down your friends when they ask you out for pizza; dinner dates give you a free pass to break a few rules, but that doesn’t mean you should eat five giant slices. Always stop when you’re full and don’t eat leftover pizza for breakfast. And drink lots of water. The key to losing your belly fat is moderation and dedication.

For the most part, your meals and snacks should look like this:

The worst thing that you can actually do is to choose one kind of food that you think will make you lose weight – like bananas – and eat only bananas. A healthy diet will never comprise of just one kind of food or just one kind of food group. A banana, for example, is one of the healthiest food that you’ll ever find (thanks to its high potassium and carb content), but eat only bananas 24 hours a day and seven days a week and your body will suffer for it. You might lose weight but you’ll get sick and you’ll be weak as a result. As counter-intuitive as it may sound, you should be more creative when it comes to food when you’re trying to have a slimmer stomach. In fact, now may be the best time to take up cooking.

When you cook your own meals, you’ll know exactly what’s going into your body and knowing what you’re eating is one of the keys to having a healthier lifestyle and a svelte mid-section.

Try preparing simple breakfasts for yourself instead of grabbing that corner store bagel. Not really a morning person? Then try cooking a few of your dinners. 
It will give you the chance to monitor the food that you eat more closely and it can be a lot of fun too.

While you’re encouraged to mix things up so that you can get a flat stomach and still enjoy your meals, there are some food that are best avoided. They are:

1.     Sodas of any kind
When you drink sodas, you are drinking pure sugar. Worse, you are drinking sugar in an acidic form which is terrible for your teeth. There are zero nutrients in soda and it’s very harmful to your health. If there’s one kind of food that will just make you fat and nothing else, it’s soda.

Note: Diet soda is no better. If you’re serious about losing belly fat, you’re going to have to give up soda of all kinds. Sorry.

2.      Fries
Fries are the bane of everyone who’s trying to lose weight, especially people who are trying to lose belly fat fast. These are pure carbohydrates that are deep-fried into crispy sticks that are unfortunately delicious. In the future, when you have a toned and flat stomach, it won’t kill you to eat fries occasionally (maybe once every two months) but when you’re just starting out, fries are just a no-go.

3.      Snack cakes (and other kinds of ‘short cut’ food)
There are plenty of kinds of food out there that are cheap, accessible, and convenient to eat. They are the food supplements, the snack cakes, the microwave dinners, the snack packs; you know these food types and you probably know them well. They must be avoided at all costs if you want to lose your excess belly fat.

The reason why these foods are so cheap is because there aren’t a lot of ingredients that go into them. Instead, they are filled with either too much salt or too much sugar. And let’s not forget the MSG and the preservatives. They have next to no nutritional value and you’ll end up hungry just minutes after eating them.

Here’s some good news – you are allowed and are even encouraged to eat dark chocolate. Not only does it make for a great dessert and a good mood booster, it actually helps slow digestion which helps make your stomach feel full for longer. If you suddenly get an urgent craving for sweets, dark chocolate is the best way to go.

While monitoring your eating habits is one of the first few and best ways to lose belly fat fast, it’s not the only way to get you into that dress you’ve always loved but couldn’t where. In the next chapter, we’ll go deeper into how water can help you lose weight and why it’s so important to the body.

This is an excerpt from the book: The 9 Essential Ways of How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

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