Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The 9 Essential Ways of How to Lose Belly Fat Fast : for Women

A tone belly with abs so tight you can bounce quarters off of them – what woman doesn’t dream of having this? Having a flat belly that looks great with any pair of jeans is right up there with a date with Ryan Gosling. Unfortunately, just about every woman also thinks that having a flat belly is as far-fetched as a celebrity date when it’s really not. There are steps that you can take – small, daily steps – that will go a long way in losing that unwanted waist fat and this book is going to tell you all of those steps and help you get started towards wearing that bikini you’ve been dying to wear since those long-gone college days.

You’re probably wondering if this book is about to spill some scientific secrets or not-quite-legal chemical formulas to give you the tone belly you’ve always wanted. 
I’m going to tell you right from the start, this isn’t that kind of book. There aren’t any shortcuts or secret formulas in here. 
Just everyday steps that will help you understand your body better so that you can give it what it wants and needs. 
And eventually, that body you’ve been taking good care of will respond by looking great.

You’d be surprised at how so many things that we do or eat or don’t eat add a layer of fat to our stomach and hips.
But think about it; why are there some women in other parts of the world who don’t struggle with belly fat? And why are there some cultures that just seem to encourage obesity and weight gain? That’s because the secret to a great body isn’t in diet pills or in depriving yourself. It’s all about habit, lifestyle, and in knowing what your body is telling you so that you can respond with the right course of action. 

I’ve read a hundred weight loss books, particularly about losing weight around the belly, but nothing helped me as much as a conversation with a friend who was a doctor who got me started down the right path. I put aside those books that just ended up frustrating me and led me to unhealthy supplements and stressful diets and started working on knowing how my body works and why I end up with so much unwanted belly fat. The results didn’t come as fast as they

wanted but once I started losing the fat, I wasn’t at risk of gaining it all back again. If you want to slip into ten-year-old jeans that you swore you’d fit into, this book can help you do just that.

This is an excerpt from the book: The 9 Essential Ways of How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

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