Saturday, July 26, 2014

The 9 Essential Ways of How to Lose Belly Fat Fast : The Cycle of Losing (and Gaining) Belly Fat

The Cycle of Losing (and Gaining) Belly Fat

After reading the nine ways of losing belly fat fast, you may be wondering if these are really the best and fastest ways of losing the fat around your stomach. The answer is a resounding yes.

I’m not going to promise you results in three days the way some programs do (though I’m not so sure about their effectiveness) but I can promise that you’ll start feeling the difference in as little as seven days. These nine different ways of losing weight will work a lot faster than you realize and they will also help you maintain the belly fat loss. The last thing that you want is to go through all that effort then just gaining it all back in a month.

You might have noticed that for most of the book, I talked about changes that mostly involved your lifestyle and daily routine instead as opposed to talking about spot exercises directed to your belly. That’s because getting rid of belly fat is all about getting rid of visceral fat and visceral fat isn’t something that you can get rid of by continuously flexing it because it can’t be flexed. Instead, you have to send the right message to your body so that it will start using up its energy reserves which is the fat that’s padding the spaces between your organs right in your mid-section.

In a nut shell, the visceral fat is a big problem when it comes to getting rid of belly fat. It’s also the reason why you can’t just exercise without changing your eating habits or dieting without caring how many hours you sleep. All these different ways of losing belly fat are all interconnected and are actually a cycle that will either help you lose or gain belly fat.

Having a large belly can affect your sleeping patterns so that you don’t get enough sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep, your cortisol levels shoot up which makes you more prone to stress. When you’re stressed out, your body will start retaining more fat than it needs. Small habits like smoking can have big consequences – a Harvard study shows that smoking will encourage your body to store fat around your belly (as visceral fat!) instead of your thighs where getting rid of it would have been easier. It’s a vicious cycle that you can turn into a cycle of weight loss and health if you follow the nine steps that we’ve talked about.

Because it works both ways, getting started on one of the nine ways of belly fat loss will make the rest of the program easier. Drinking more water will help your digestion which will make fat storage and burning more efficient. Having less fat in your body will help you maintain healthier sleeping patterns that will encourage even more fat loss. When you start getting all the nine different ways working, you’ll be losing belly fat faster and with less effort!

Pretty soon you’ll be making a lot of headway and you’ll be breaking out all those old clothes.
 But remember, belly fat is also all about getting healthier and being less likely to suffer from all those related and nasty diseases like cardiovascular complications and diabetes. 

You’ll not only be working your way towards a better body; you’ll also be a lot healthier and live longer. With less of that dangerous belly fat, you can look good, feel good, and spend more time doing the things that make you happy and with the people you love.

This is an excerpt from the book:The 9 Essential Ways of How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

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