Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Easy Diabetes Diet Plan Cookbook - Lunch Recipes

Lunch Recipes:

Don’t be daunted by some of the recipes you see below that have the words ‘salmon’ or ‘ratatouille’ or ‘oven’. We know that for most days, you aren’t exactly eating lunch at home which means you can’t just whip out your trusty cook’s knife and start preparing an elaborate meal in the middle of the day. A lot of the recipes that we’ve listed below can be prepared ahead of time and can be brown bagged to the office. That way, you’ll get to eat healthy food that will also be the envy of your co-workers.

Here’s an important tip when brown bagging for lunch; mix the dressing in with your greens right before you’re ready to eat them and not a second before. Carry the dressing with you in a separate bottle or in a small Ziploc bag. If you toss the greens in its dressing ahead of time, the salad greens will wilt and turn into unappetizing gunk.

Think of the recipes below as guidelines, not rules. You can substitute for other fruits and greens and proteins as long as they don’t go against your diet plan. 

Stick to the proper portions and healthy cooking methods like oven roasting, steaming, poaching, and pan-frying with olive oil (strictly no deep-frying) and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a variety of great food and dishes.

This is an excerpt from the book: The Easy Diabetes Diet Plan Cookbook

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