Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Easy Diabetes Diet Plan Cookbook - Finding a Support System

Finding a Support System 

It’s not easy maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially when you’re surrounded with easy fixes and endless fast food chains. Eating healthy and exercising does take effort and it takes a lot of getting used to, especially if words like vegetables and whole wheat and cardio weren’t even in your vocabulary
 before. But like most of the challenges in life, you’ll find that you’re far from being alone in dealing with the demands of having diabetes.

  • One of the best ways to stay on track in your diet is to have a healthy buddy, someone who is also dealing with diabetes and understands its particular demands. With someone who’s going through the same thing that you are, you can exchange tips, check up on each other, and offer encouragement when things get tough. The best way to find a health buddy is to join support groups for diabetes. Meeting other diabetics can offer a fresh perspective on diabetes and can make the necessary habit changes much easier. After all, it takes a village.

Having people who can personally relate to diabetes is great but your family and friends also make for an excellent support group even if they don’t have diabetes themselves. In fact, it’s also important that they understand what it means to have diabetes and what kind of changes having diabetes will mean for you. That way, they can help you choose better lifestyle habits every day. That could mean something as small as foregoing fast food dinners so that you’re not tempted with fries to joining you in your fitness program.

Managing and maintaining diabetes via a healthy diet and exercise is something that you have to actively choose to do every day. The good news is that it does get better and it gets easier. After you’ve started eating meals made with fresh ingredients and are free of simple sugars and trans fat, you’ll feel more alive and energetic. You’ll start to lose those intense cravings and your hunger will dull. Carbs call to carbs and by toughing it out for the first few weeks, you’ll find that you can say ‘no’ to simple carbs and walk away. Despite having diabetes, you can feel better and stronger and healthier and more in control of your life.

A lot of people are living healthy and well with diabetes. By taking control of your diet, you can also take back control of your body and live a healthy and happy life.

This is an excerpt from the book: The Easy Diabetes Diet Plan Cookbook

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