Friday, July 11, 2014

33 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss - Mango and Mango Smoothie

1 mango, green
1 mango, ripe or yellow
1 cup of cucumber
1 sprig of parsley
1 sprig of mint
1 cup of crushed ice

1.      Wash the ingredients thoroughly.
2.      Cut the ripe mango into three parts – two fleshy parts and one seed. Remove the flesh from the fleshy halves of the mangoes using a glass or a ladle and cut the extra flesh from the seed.
3.      Carefully peel the green mango whole before removing the flesh from the seed. Cut the flesh into small chunks.
4.      Cut off both ends of the cucumber and peel it with a vegetable peeler.
5.      Cut the peeled cucumber into small chunks.
6.      When preparing smoothies, only use the leaves of the parsley. Remove the leaves from the stem by hand.
7.      Place all of the ingredients into the blender and blend.

This is a sample from the book 33 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss--to get the complete recipes you can get the book here:   

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