Wednesday, July 2, 2014

33 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss - Pineapple, Sweet Potato, Bok Choy, and Ginger Juice

2 cups of pineapple
1 cup sweet potato
1 bok choy (or lettuce, 2 cups)
¼ cup ginger

1.      Wash all of the ingredients thoroughly.
2.      Take the bok choy apart and wash in between the leaves.
3.      Peel the pineapple by cutting off both ends. Stand it up on the cutting board and carefully run your knife along the fruit from top to bottom, removing the peel. Make sure to cut the ‘eyes’ or spots out.
4.      Cut the pineapple into chunks, setting aside two cups’ worth. Wrap the rest of the pineapple in Saran wrap, label with time and date, then place in the chiller or freezer.
5.      Peel the sweet potato with a potato peeler, taking out the ‘eyes’. Cut into chunks.
6.      Peel the ginger using a spoon. Wash and cut into chunks.
7.      Juice the pineapples.
8.      Juice the sweet potatoes.
9.      Juice the bok choy.
10.  Juice the ginger.

 This is a sample from the book 33 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss--to get the complete recipes you can get the book here:    

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