Saturday, November 8, 2014

Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook - Baked Apple Puree

Baked Apple Puree


Red Delicious Apple

Water or fresh apple juice


The red delicious apple is always a favorite when it comes to getting your baby started on solid food. If you ever have an inkling to prepare apple puree for your baby, a great way to go is to stick one in the oven at 180°C or in your oven toaster until the apple is completely tender.

Before baking the apple, be sure to wash, core, and peel it and place it in a baking pan. You can mash it up immediately after taking it out of the oven and make it softer with water or fresh apple juice but be sure to let it cool in the chiller first before feeding your baby with it. Warm is fine but always make sure that none of the food you feed your little one is piping hot or uncomfortably warm.

You can keep the baked apple puree for 12 hours in your chiller but any longer than that and you may need to throw it out. To be safe, always taste your baby food before feeding it to your baby. But remember, a baby’s stomach can be a lot more sensitive than yours so it’s still better to err on the side of caution.

This is an excerpt from the book: Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook

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