Sunday, November 23, 2014

Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook - Cheese-crusted White Bread

Cheese-crusted White Bread


Pullman loaf bread

Parmesan or mozzarella or any cheese with a light flavor

Parsley or basil, chopped


This is one of the simplest but best ways to introduce texture to your baby’s diet. Take a piece of Pullman loaf bread, cut of the crusts, and top with grated cheese and chopped herbs. Place the bread in an oven toaster and let the cheese melt to form a crust. Take the bread out and cut into sticks, letting them cool in the process so that your baby can eat them safely.

Make sure that the cheese is neutral in flavor and soft enough for your baby to handle. Even processed cheese like Kraft will do. It would be a terrible idea to introduce something as strong flavoured as blue cheese to your baby so young; it will probably turn him off of cheese for life. 

Also, make sure that the bread is fresh and not stale. The longer your bread has been sitting on your cupboard, the harder it gets and the tougher it will be for your baby to eat. 

This is an excerpt from the book: Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook

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