Friday, November 14, 2014

Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook - VII. More Solid Food: 10 to 12 Months

 VII. More Solid Food: 10 to 12 Months

When your baby reaches the age of ten to twelve months old, you’re going to find that he or she might suddenly become a ‘picky eater’. It’s not that they don’t like the food; they don’t really become truly picky about what they eat until their toddler years. Chances are they’re just distracted by the things around them, like toys or different sounds or all the hundred different little things that they’re just beginning to notice. Take heart, this stage where you’re struggling to feed them solid food won’t last forever.

At this stage, your baby won’t appreciate thin purees anymore and will begin to enjoy the chunkier, soft cooked finger food like the ones they get to sample when they’re eight to ten months old. But don’t forget; even at ten to twelve months old, solid food is only supplementary to breast milk. Breast milk should still be your baby’s main source of food for complete nutrition and development.

This is the age when your baby really starts to eat soft versions of grown up food. You can feed them pasteurized cheese (but no cow’s milk until after a year old), mashed proteins like chicken breast or white-fleshed fish, eggs, and tofu. This is also the time when your baby starts to feed himself, although not always successfully. But you can hand him a plastic and baby-friendly spoon and see where he goes from there.
Here are some great examples of baby food for the age of ten to twelve months.

This is an excerpt from the book: Homemade Healthy Baby Food Recipes and Cookbook

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