Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Ultimate Easy to Prepare Vegetarian Recipes Cookbook - Proper Storage and Hygiene

Proper Storage and Hygiene

Proper storage and kitchen hygiene is important in any kitchen and for any diet. That’s why it’s important to have two things in your kitchen that most people don’t have – a black marker and Serram wrap. Serram wrap is so useful that it is by far my favourite item in my kitchen. I wrap everything in it and I cover containers with it too. The great thing about Serram wrap is that I can write on it so that all the food that I’ve already opened and re-wrapped or prepared are labelled with the date. This is important so that you don’t end up eating food that has gone bad.

Keep in mind that food poisoning can’t be detected by smell or sight, unlike food spoilage. Your food can look and smell perfectly fine and still be a source of food poisoning. To make sure that you don’t eat food that has been infected with food poisoning bacteria, follow the rules that I’ve outlined below:

It’s also important to make sure that your fridge isn’t overcrowded so that it can maintain the proper temperature for chilling and freezing food. The best way to do this is to shop for ingredients regularly and just buying what you need for a few days to a week. 

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