Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Ultimate Easy to Prepare Vegetarian Recipes Cookbook - VII.Recipes: Soups and Sandwiches

VII.Recipes: Soups and Sandwiches

Soups and sandwiches are great go-to food for any diet and a vegetarian diet is no exception. There’s nothing as hearty as a thick, steaming hot tomato soup or as easy and satisfying as a good, fat sandwich. The best part is these two meals are perfect together.

There are hundreds of soups out there, from the classical cream soups to the modern spiced tomato ‘cappuccino’; but that doesn’t mean that you need hundreds of soup recipes in your kitchen notebook. All you need is one good cream soup recipe and you can just switch ingredients and be a little creative with herbs and spices to satisfy your particular cravings. The same goes for non-cream soups; know the basics and you can create just about any soup that fits your fancy.

Let’s start with the tried and tested recipe of pumpkin and apple cream soup. Yum!

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