Monday, September 15, 2014

33 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss - Part I - How Juicing For Weight Loss Started

You probably know that you need a certain amount of fibers, vitamins, and minerals every day to be healthy and to stop weight gain, but how do you know if you’re getting enough of what you need? A wide variety of food is available in the United States but most Americans don’t get the dietary fibers that they need and they don’t meet the needed amount of potassium, calcium, Vitamin D, or Vitamin C that’s recommended by physicians either. Unfortunately, we often eat without really paying attention to the nutritional value of what we’re eating which is we end up eating so much – our body is telling us that we’re missing something but we end up having meals with the dietary equivalent no better than cardboard which just makes us hungrier. It’s not healthy and it’s not helping our body become fit and slender either.
That’s why juicing your way to a healthier and better looking body is recommended by the experts. With different combinations of fruits and vegetables, you can enjoy delicious drinks while also getting your daily dietary requirements while also helping you reach your goal weight. If done right, juicing can be the key to losing 30 pounds in five months. But there’s no one kind of juice that’s a solution for all your juicing needs. With this book about juicing and different recipes, you can familiarize yourself with the different fruits and vegetables commonly used in juicing and what kind of dietary intake they can offer you. With a wide array of combinations, you can personalize your juicing experience to get the best results for your individual needs. And with our recipes, you can enjoy delicious juice, lose weight, and have a healthy and fit body too!

Juicing for Weight Loss

How It All Started

For me, it all started when my mom brought home a juicer and a bag of fruit and vegetables. Before that, juice for me was the equivalent of carton boxes of sugary beverages that barely tasted anything like the real fruit. One of the first things my mom juiced were bright red apples and I remembered asking why it wasn’t as clear as the one in the box and why it had some of the apple still in it, making it look kind of rough. When I had my first taste of freshly juiced fruit, it all changed for me. It just tasted so good and so real that I realized just how synthetic most fruit juices sold in the groceries was. Best of all, I was getting the benefits of the vitamins and fibers found in fresh fruit, all in one glass.
My childhood experience with juicing just tells you that juicing – along with health shakes – have been around for a while but it all really took off after the release of the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. The documentary follows filmmaker Joe Cross as he tries to turn his life around with a juice fast program. More than advocating the benefits of juicing, the documentary also calls attention to the terribly unhealthy lifestyle that most of us are living which eventually lead to some pretty serious and life threatening health problems. In another documentary called Supersize Me where filmmaker Morgan Spurlock ate nothing but Mcdonald’s meals three times a day for 30 days, we see the growing danger of obesity in the U.S. and how it’s being spurred on by fast food chains and other quick-fixes that are now replacing good, honest food.
The difficult reality that we’re facing is that most of the readily available food that we find in groceries and in restaurants do very little to give us the nutrients that we need. Our environment and the lifestyle that it encourages is leading us towards becoming overweight and suffering from the related health issues that come with it. When we make that choice to lose weight and to be healthier, we’re fighting a tough battle but it’s a battle to save our own lives. Thankfully, more and more people are recognizing the dangers of obesity and how it affects not just our physical health but also our emotional well-being. And with juicing, you get a fast and effective way of getting the required daily intake for vitamins, minerals, and fibers while also losing weight and reducing the risk of health diseases such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and breathing problems like apnea. You’ll not only look good, you’ll feel good too.

This is a sample from the book 33 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss--to get the complete recipes you can get the book here:

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