Monday, September 8, 2014

The Ultimate Easy to Prepare Vegetarian Recipes Cookbook - V. Basic Ingredients for Your Pantry

V.Basic Ingredients for Your Pantry

Whether you’re new to being a vegetarian or if you’ve been a life-long lover of fruits and vegetables, you always have to have ‘the list’. Everyone may have different tastes or preferences when it comes to food but most vegetarians have certain must-haves in their larder, common veggie go-to food that are great for both everyday meals and culinary emergencies.



Herbs are a great way to add flavor to your food. Dried herbs are fine and keep longer but as a vegetarian, you should seriously considering having small potted herbs in your kitchen. Fresh herbs will give your salads, sandwiches, and meals a subtle, underlying flavor that doesn’t overpower your other fresh ingredients.


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