Thursday, September 25, 2014

33 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss - Part VIII - Review of Juicing Concepts

Before we move on to the next chapter, we need to make sure that you haven’t missed any of the important points in the beginner’s guidelines to juicing. Here are some of the important information in this chapter that you can read at a glance.
1.    Juicing is a great way of getting vitamins, minerals, and fibers into your body without having to include too many fruits and vegetables in your meals. You can just drink them as delicious juices instead!
2.    Juicing should not completely replace your meals. Instead, they can supplement your daily diet. If you want to try juice fasting aka only get food and nutrition via juices, consult your physician or nutritionist or dietician first to see if you are a candidate.
3.    When juicing, pay special attention to the produce or ingredients that you juice. Make sure that you have washed and cleaned them before juicing.
4.    Do not use canned or preserved ingredients. Only use fresh fruits and vegetables.
5.    Do not use fermented, overripe, or bruised ingredients.
6.    Pay special attention to where you buy your ingredients from. Local farm markets can have cheaper produce that haven’t been treated with any pesticides, fruit waxes, and other unhealthy chemical substances.
7.    Set your goals. Your goals will be the basis of how often you drink your juices, what kind of ingredients you should use, and will be the bar that you measure your success against.
8.    When setting your goals, be reasonable. Do not set goals that are impossible and unhealthy. By setting proper expectations, you can better appreciate your progress.

This is a sample from the book 33 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss--to get the complete recipes you can get the book here:

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