Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Ultimate Easy to Prepare Vegetarian Recipes Cookbook - IX. Recipes: Pasta All Pasta

 IX. Recipes: Pasta All Pasta

When you say vegetarian pasta in a restaurant, the lazy answer always seems to be a vegetarian lasagne. Now, there’s nothing wrong with a good vegetable lasagne layered with tomato sauce and zucchini and eggplant and thin strips of carrots; but you have to admit it’s a little overdone. And it doesn’t even make any sense that just about every restaurant, from casual sit-downs to bistros, serve lasagne when there are endless options of pasta dishes out there that are completely vegetarian friendly, even the traditional ones.

And the best part about having pasta? It’s simple and easy to prepare but is usually mouth-wateringly delicious.

Before diving into our pasta recipes for vegetarians, let’s talk about a few rules of thumb for cooking pasta that every cook should know. When preparing the boiling liquid for pasta, always follow the 10 parts to 1 part rule, with 10 parts water to 1 part pasta. 

That allows the pasta enough liquid to not get clumpy or crowded. When boiling pasta, always salt the water so that you can start infusing it with flavor immediately.

You don’t always have to cook pasta in water either. Try cooking pasta in vegetable stock for that extra level of taste or in red wine if you feel like getting fancy (often paired with a light tomato sauce). 

Let’s start with the Penne all’Arrabbiata.

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