Saturday, August 2, 2014

33 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss - Watermelon and Cantaloupe Juice

2 cups watermelon chunks
2 cups cantaloupe chunks
¼ cup peanuts, lightly roasted without oil


1.      Wash watermelon then dry thoroughly (cutting a wet watermelon can be dangerous). Cut the watermelon into quarters.
2.      Remove the flesh of the watermelon from the rind and cut into chunks, enough for two cups. Wrap the rest of the watermelon in Saran wrap including the rind, label, then place in the freezer or chiller.
3.      Wash the cantaloupe, peel it, then cut it in half. With a ladle or large spoon, remove the seeds from the cantaloupe.
4.      Cut the cantaloupe into chunks, enough for two cups. Wrap the rest in Saran wrap, label, then place in the chiller or freezer.
5.      In a stainless steel pan, toss the peanuts in low heat without oil.
6.      Chop the peanuts finely or grind with a food processor.
7.      Juice the watermelon and place in the glass.
8.      Juice the cantaloupe and place in the glass.
9.      Add the peanuts in the glass, mix, and enjoy. 

This is a sample from the book 33 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss--to get the complete recipes you can get the book here:  

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