Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Easy Diabetes Diet Plan Cookbook - Best and Worst Food Choices

Admittedly, packaged food is more convenient. You open a can of spaghetti sauce, toss it in with pasta and you have a meal; what could be easier? But easy and convenient usually don’t mean healthy and good

 for your body. Have you noticed how affordable packaged food is? Packaged food companies cut corners where they can to give you cheap and easy to prepare food that also tastes good and that usually means loading it up with saturated and trans fat, salt, sugar, preservatives, and simple carbohydrates. That’s what you have to keep in mind the next time you find yourself reaching for that bag of frozen chicken nuggets.

If you’re not quite sure which kinds of food are the best choices for you right now and which food are the worst, we’re going to give you a list of both so that you always know exactly what you’re getting into.

That’s quite a list of food that you have to avoid at all costs. But don’t despair; there’s also a list of food that are ideal for your diabetic diet plan. They might not be what you’re used to but they’re just as good and, with a few tips and tricks, just as satisfying to your appetite.

Here are some of the best food for people who have diabetes:

This is an excerpt from the book: The Easy Diabetes Diet Plan Cookbook

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