Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Easy Diabetes Diet Plan Cookbook - Why Start Cooking for Yourself?

Why Start Cooking for Yourself?

Medically speaking, there isn’t much that you can do with getting rid of diabetes or dealing with its problems. Instead, what doctors recommend is a lifestyle change – switching from an unhealthy life of processed food and take-out pizza to a life of buying fresh produce, cooking your own meals, and spending more time in the kitchen.

Believe me when I say that there is no better time to take up cooking and to take an interest in the food that you eat because your life can literally depend on it, and this applies to the prediabetics as well as the diabetics. By cooking your own meals, you will have firm control over what goes into your body which is essential for managing your blood glucose level. 

You won’t have to deal with those ‘hidden ingredients’ that are always lurking in processed food and fast food that are in no way good for your health. When you buy food, even if it’s from a health food store, you don’t really know what kind of oil they used, what ingredients go into pre-cooking like in the marinade, how much salt or sugar they’re using, or whether they’re using ingredients that have been treated with preservatives. The best way to have a good diet plan where you’re in control of the food you eat is to learn how to prepare meals that are healthy, balanced, and delicious!

This is an excerpt from the book: The Easy Diabetes Diet Plan Cookbook

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