Thursday, June 5, 2014

How to Home School Your Child - Learning Styles

Learning styles are typically discovered over time, by watching the student’s reactions and retention while using different styles in teaching. You can also discover your child’s learning style through assessments easily found online. However, these assessments are typically only effective for discovering the learning style of older children and adults.

There are three main learning styles found in students. Some students learn easily using more than one style. Other children must focus their efforts around one learning style. Since every child learns differently, it is important to determine your child’s learning style early, and include this in your lesson planning.

1.      Visual Learning
Children leaning toward this learning style learn best when they can see the information. The learn through reading text, especially when accompanied by graphs, charts and maps. For these children, textbooks and worksheets will actually work better than other methods. Software programs that demonstrate skills can also be very helpful.

2.      Auditory Learning
This learning style leans more toward hearing information. Children with this learning style will retain information best when it is presented as a lecture. Textbooks can also be helpful, but they will need to read aloud rather than to themselves. Lots of spoken explanations of the material may be necessary for them to grasp the concepts. 

3.      Kinesthetic Learning
The tactile learning style means that the child learns best when they are touching, manipulating, or experiencing things for themselves that reinforce the material. These children will greatly benefit from science experiments and using manipulatives in math. Children using this learning style will learn reading and vocabulary best through using flash cards that can be arranged into sentences. 

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