the Basics
are three types of diabetes – type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Type 1
diabetes is usually diagnosed in children in young adults. It’s the type of
diabetes where you need daily injections of insulin because the body simply
can’t synthesize any for itself. Type 2 diabetes on the other hand is when your
body isn’t making enough insulin to deal with the sugars or the glucose in your
blood. It is the most common type of diabetes and usually happens when you are
much older.
At first, your pancreas may produce more insulin to deal with the
deficiency but with type 2 diabetes, the body develops insulin resistance. Over
time, your body cannot make enough insulin to deal with the glucose levels in
your blood. The last kind of diabetes is gestational diabetes and is the only
kind of diabetes that can be temporary. It only happens to pregnant women and
usually happens around the 24th week of pregnancy. Because of the
lack of symptoms in gestational diabetes, it is important for women who are
pregnant to be tested by a doctor so that both the mother and the baby remain
this book, the tips on both fitness and cooking are limited to type 1 and type
2 diabetes. While gestational diabetes is just as serious or even more so
because it affects both the mother and unborn child, the treatment is always
started very quickly and is always handled by a doctor or another member of the
mother’s health care team.
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